Picture this, you are riding down the mountain, flying through the snow, not just any snow though. This is the first powder day of the season. You are ready to ride all day and maybe even call into work tomorrow to ride all day tomorrow as well. One thing for certain is that you are going to have a good day! On the lift ride back up after your very first lap you start to notice that your snow goggles are starting to fog up. Now you are in a complete panic and tail spin. What are you going to do?! Luckily for you, you have the Jerry Wiper attached to your snow goggles. The Jerry Wiper is a magnet with felt on both sides and then an elastic string attached to it with a plastic on the end. The Jerry Wiper is supposed to be like a windshield wiper for your snow goggles. In this blog I am going to break it all down for you, from the installation, to whether it is worth it or not. I will break it down for you to let you know if the Jerry Wiper is actually worth it.
Breakdown of their website.
First of all let’s dive into what their website looks like. Here is a link to that website. Their website definitely plays off of the Jerry of the day type vibe. They look very retro. They have an awesome graphic that shows exactly how it works on the website. According to their website they came up with the product after looking for a convenient solution to stop their snow goggles fogging up. Here is the exact quote:
“Jerry Wiper was born out of real conversations with over 300+ skiers and snowboarders who all had the same frustration—goggle fog ruins good runs. We tested every anti-fog spray, wipe, and high-tech goggle on the market, but nothing held up to the demands of an all-day slope session. So we took matters into our own hands.
As a lifelong gear nerd, advanced skier, and Berkeley business school alum, our founder was determined to engineer a solution that actually works. Through 3 years of rigorous product testing and development, we created a durable, no-fuss fix that keeps snow goggles clear from first chair to last.
But we’re not just here to solve a problem—we are dedicated to using business as a tool for climate action. We have pledged 1% of sales to the preservation and restoration of the natural environment.”
Here is an example of what the first part of the website looks like.
I think that the website is very fun and explains exactly what the product is. Now do I think the product works or is a great solution? Maybe, keep reading the blog to find out.
Review of packaging
Lets move on to the packaging of the product. When you receive it in the mail, it comes in a purple envelope. The envelope has an image of what the product is explaining all of the features. The envelope looks very “on brand”. It looks very retro. Here is a picture of the packaging it comes in.
When you open up the envelope your jerry wiper is right inside, now I’ll be honest with you. When I got the product I opened it and ruined the packaging before taking a picture of it. I know I know, not very thoughtful of me. However I do have good news. The website has a picture of the packaging so we dodged a bullet there! Here is what the packaging looks like.
I think that the packaging accurately shows exactly what the product can do. It is very on brand and matches everything else that they do. Lastly, the cool part about the packaging is that you can actively move the magnet back and forth to act like you are wiping fog off your snow goggles, making it seemingly easy to wipe away any fog. All in all I really like the packaging my only problem with it was I struggled getting the actual Jerry Wiper out of the packaging but that was more user error than anything because I was just using my hands and nothing else. Also just a side note, they send you a note that looks like it hand written thanking your purchasing the Snow Gear product and to let them know if you have any questions. I think that is a great touch.
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Installation and use of the product
Next lets dive into the installation process of the Jerry Wiper. It is seriously so easy to hook it up. You do not need to worry about tying knots or anything like that that your snow goggles. The Jerry Wiper is pretty simple.
This is how it works: you take the magnet end of the string and put it through the loop end of the string around the strap of your snow goggles. You place the magnets to each side of your snow goggles so that they attach. Make sure that the side attached to the string is on the outside of your googles, then BAM! You are all set. Here is a picture of it all set up.
The installation of Jerry Wiper takes less than 30 seconds. I think this is super easy and makes a ton of sense. I would even say it’s Jerry proof.
Now do I think it is a useful product? Keep reading the blog to see, however the Jerry Wiper definitely works!
Final Review of the product.
Here are my final thoughts of the product. While I love their website, and the packaging it comes in. I also do think the product truly does work. I do not think that the Jerry Wiper is a product that I would be using, or see myself using. The first reason for this is that I think that it looks goofy sitting on your face and hanging off of your snow goggles. I know that looks aren’t everything and if it functions you should use it, but I subscribe to the mind set look good, feel good, ride good. Meaning that if you feel like you look cool you feel cool. If you feel cool you can ride confidently and much more loosely. The second reason I would not wear these is that I would be worried about breaking it and or losing it. It seems to me that I take at least one spill a season big enough that I knock my snow goggles loose or even off of my face. I would be worried that when I am riding and crash hard my Jerry Wiper would fly off and I would lose the inner magnet on my snow goggles, or even snap the elastic sting and lose the front part of the jerry wiper. The last reason I would not wear these is because I very rarely run into issues with my snow goggles fogging up. As long as you do not take your snow goggles off on the lift or anything like that they do not fog up. I highly recommend getting high quality snow goggles that don’t fog. I love my Smith Squad snow goggles, they never fog up on me. Here is a link to those snow goggles that you can get directly through our amazon link. If you do not want to spring for those snow goggles or like the ones that you ride with, my other suggestion would be to purchase the “Smith No-Fog Cloth”. This cloth helps you wipe away fog on your snow goggles while also putting down an anti fog coating on your snow goggles. Here is a link to that product on REI’s website for only $2.00.
All in all I think the Jerry Wiper would be a great gift for your snowboard friends or a funny gimmick you can keep on your snow goggles, but I do not think that you should rely on this to keep fog out of your life. As I mentioned before, I would highly recommend purchasing the Smith Squad snow goggles. Check out the link below to purchase them!
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